🛠️ Overview
This guide explains how to use Torbjörn as a flanker on Rialto Defense, positioning behind the enemy payload while your team fights from the front. This creates a 6v5 pincer movement, forcing the enemy into difficult decisions and maximizing pressure.
📌 Strategy Breakdown
🔹 Objective:
Torbjörn flanks behind the enemy payload while the main team fights from the front.
His turret and chip damage force enemies to split attention.
Win fights by making the enemy deal with threats from both sides.
🛡️ Recommended Team Composition
This strategy works best with a frontline that can sustain fights while Torbjörn harasses from behind.
Role Heroes (Recommended)
Tank Sigma, Ramattra, Orisa
DPS Torbjörn (Flanker) + Sojourn / Cassidy / Hanzo
Support Kiriko + Baptiste / Ana
Why These Picks?
✔ Sigma / Ramattra – Can hold the front while providing poke damage.
✔ Kiriko – Can teleport to Torb for heals or Suzu saves.
✔ Baptiste / Ana – Strong backline sustain for the main team.
📍 How to Execute the Flank
🔸 Phase 1: Setup (Before the Fight)
Position Torbjörn near the flank routes behind payload.
Hide turret in a sneaky spot covering enemy rotations.
Let your main team engage first while you stay undetected.
💡 Pro Tip: The first turn on Rialto is perfect for this! Hide near the waterway buildings.
🔸 Phase 2: Engaging the Flank
As soon as the fight starts, Torbjörn strikes from behind.
Turret auto-targets supports & squishies while you shoot from the rear.
Enemies are now sandwiched – if they turn to fight you, they expose their back to your team.
🎯 Goal: Force a 6v5 scenario by securing a pick or disrupting enemy positioning.
💡 Pro Tip: Use Overload for burst damage and survivability.
🔸 Phase 3: Midfight & Snowballing Advantage
Continue applying pressure to enemy backline (supports & DPS).
If they collapse on Torbjörn, your team pushes aggressively.
Turret provides constant damage & helps confirm kills.
If needed, Kiriko can teleport to Torb for healing or a cleanse.
💡 Ultimate Timing: Use Molten Core to cut off escape routes or zone out their team.
✅ Why This Works
✔ Enemies must split focus between the main team & Torbjörn.
✔ Turret auto-locks onto key targets, dealing chip damage.
✔ Forces enemy backline to reposition, making them vulnerable.
✔ Pincer movement weakens their frontline, allowing easy cleanup.
❌ What Counters This?
⚠️ Hard Counters:
🔸 Dive heroes (Winston, Genji, Tracer, Sombra) – Can chase down Torbjörn.
🔸 Flank-aware supports (Zen, Mercy, Lifeweaver) – Can reposition easily.
🔸 Snipers (Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ashe) – If they track Torbjörn’s movements.
🔥 How to Adjust:
✔ Relocate turret to cover escape paths.
✔ Play safer & reposition when spotted.
✔ Wait for enemy cooldowns to be used before committing.
🎯 Summary
Torbjörn’s flank strategy on Rialto (Defense) is a high-risk, high-reward playstyle that creates chaos in enemy ranks. When executed properly, it can turn team fights into easy victories by forcing opponents to fight on two fronts.
🔥 Try this strategy and watch enemy teams panic as they get sandwiched! 🔥