Description | classic Torbjörn guide for King’s Row (Overwatch 1) covering both Attack and Defense strategies. King’s Row is one of the most popular and well-balanced Hybrid maps in the game. While Torbjörn is often considered a defensive mainstay, he can also be quite useful on attack with smart turret placements and good synergy with your team.
1. Torbjörn’s OW1 Kit (Post-Rework Overview)
Even though this is a “classic” guide, remember that Torbjörn underwent significant changes during Overwatch 1’s lifecycle. Below is a quick refresher of the final OW1 version of his kit:
Rivet Gun
Primary Fire: Medium-range projectile; good for consistent poke and finishing.
Secondary Fire (Shotgun): Higher burst damage at close range.
Deploy Turret
Throws out a turret that auto-builds.
Once placed, you have a cooldown before you can deploy another if it’s destroyed.
Grants Torbjörn extra armor, movement speed, and rate of fire.
Great for short engagements, duels, or quickly reloading and pumping out damage.
Molten Core (Ultimate)
Torbjörn shoots pools of molten slag that deal persistent damage.
Excellent for area denial—particularly strong on objectives and chokepoints (King’s Row is full of those).
2. General Playstyle Tips for King’s Row
Leverage Chokepoints:
King’s Row features tight corridors and corners—perfect for turret usage and area denial.
Surprise Factor:
A well-placed turret that catches flankers or pokes the backline can disrupt the enemy’s approach.
Use Corners and High Ground:
Torbjörn can poke from mid-range with his Rivet Gun, and the turret benefits from partial cover or elevated sightlines.
3. DEFENSE: King’s Row
3.1. Point A Defense
Where to Set Up
High Ground Behind the Statue:
One of the most common spots is on the catwalk behind the large statue in front of the point. You can place your turret so it has a line of sight on the main choke.
As attackers round the corner from spawn, they’ll have to deal with your turret or take a flank route.
Left Hallway (Hotel / Theater Entrance):
Set your turret inside the hallway on the left (attacker’s perspective). This hallway is a popular flank route; your turret can deter Tracers, Genjis, or other flankers.
Aggressive Forward Placement:
If your team wants to hold the choke aggressively, you can place a turret on the high ground ledge directly above the archway. It’ll punish any enemy pushing through the main entrance.
Be ready to reposition if the attackers break through or use a dive/long-range hitscan to destroy it.
How to Play
Use Overload in brawls near the choke or if divers jump on you.
Try to keep a line of sight on your turret, so you can help with Rivet Gun shots.
If the enemy breaks through, consider a quick reposition so you don’t lose your turret’s effectiveness.
3.2. Streets Phase Defense (After Point A is Captured)
Key Turret Locations
High Ground Above the Payload Path (Midway):
After Point A, the payload moves through the street with multiple high-ground balconies. Placing your turret on the catwalks or balconies can give it a long sightline.
Keep in mind, though, this area has multiple flanks—your turret might get taken out if the enemy coordinates a push from behind.
Corner Before the Foundry:
You can place the turret at the final corner leading into the foundry (Point B capture). If done properly, it can fire at the payload as attackers push around the corner while still having partial cover.
Defensive Tactics
As the payload moves, reposition your turret so it doesn’t stay idle behind.
You can use Molten Core to deny the payload’s path, especially near corners or under arches.
3.3. Foundry / Point B Defense
Inside the Foundry
Upper Ledges:
The foundry has a high catwalk that overlooks the capture point. You can place your turret up there to cover a wide area.
Watch out for heroes like Pharah, Widowmaker, or Hanzo who can quickly destroy a turret at range.
Behind Cover on the Point:
If the attackers have nearly captured the point, placing a turret behind one of the big pillars can contest or at least slow them down.
3.4. Final Stretch (Point C)
Narrow Corridors & Stairs
The path to the final checkpoint is quite claustrophobic. Turrets can be lethal if placed around corners or behind the payload route.
Use Molten Core to cover the final push area, potentially splitting the attacking team or forcing them to stand in lava to contest. |